Call for tenders' details

Support to develop guidance for streamlining environmental assessment procedures...
Contracting authority:
European Commission, DG ENV+CLIMA
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
The deadline to download documents of this call for tenders has been reached. The download of documents is not possible The deadline to download documents of this call for tenders has been reached. The download of documents is not possible
Support to develop guidance for streamlining environmental assessment procedures of energy infrastructure 'Projects of common interest' (PCI).
The purpose of the tender is to provide support to the Commission to identify and assess possible measures to streamline environmental assessment procedures and ensure their coherent application for PCIs as defined in the proposed Energy Infrastructure Regulation. To this end, the tenderer should assess the national laws of the Member States and established permitting practices for the relevant infrastructure projects. The measures should be targeted at Member States, competent authorities and project promoters. The findings of such work will be used by the Commission to develop guidance on the basis of which Member States can take action in order to streamline the environmental assessment procedures of the relevant EU environmental directives for PCIs, without prejudice to obligations resulting from such legislation. Streamlining means coordinating the various procedures with a view to eliminating redundancies and overlapping and shortening the time needed to come to a decision, but also to allow for an overall assessment of environmental effects.
Open procedure
14/01/2012 00:00
27/02/2012 16:00
12/03/2012 00:00
Lots The call for tenders has no lots.
Reference Notice type Publication date
2012/S 9-012568
Contract notice
14/01/2012 00:00