Call for tenders' details

Human Capital Development Expertise Services
Contracting authority:
European Training Foundation (ETF)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
Human Capital Development Expertise Services
The objective of this tender is to provide consultancy services in support of the ETF expertise in the field of human capital development. The tender is comprised of four independent lots to enable economic operators specialising in those areas to provide timely and high quality services upon request: • lot 1 – expertise provision, • lot 2 – research and studies, • lot 3 – statistical services, • lot 4 – Big Data analytics.
Open procedure
One or more lot
Framework agreement
11,300,000.00 EUR
Conditions for participation
See internet address provided in Section I.3).
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
04/03/2022 00:00
01/04/2022 15:00
04/04/2022 15:00
Lot number Title Description
Lot 1
Expertise Provision
The objective of the expertise provision service is to identify experts who will be contracted for specific contributions to support the development and implementation of ETF activities in the field of human capital development. Each assignment is designed in detail by the ETF where one or more experts are contracted to deliver on specific tasks. The assignments may differ considerably in duration from a few days to a period of months and can be desk based or be carried out in ETF partner or other countries and may be implemented at a thematic, country, regional or cross-regional level and may require country-specific experience or knowledge. Selected experts will either work independently or within a team of ETF and/or with other external experts and their work may be a component of a wider project containing other activities with the involvement of different stakeholders.
Lot 2
Research and Studies
The objective of the research and studies lot is to support the ETF work with reliable knowledge, evidence, analysis and relevant information in specific areas within the domain of human capital development as listed in the practice areas. The assignments will relate to the relevant policy context and practice areas and may require country specific experience or knowledge to support the design and implementation of the EU policy agenda and EU programmes in the field of human capital development. The research and studies will typically aim at: • providing in-depth comparative analyses and assessment of policy issues and reforms linked to the EU agenda that can inform policy makers at international, regional and country level; • providing evidence for policy guidance to support countries in their efforts to develop more efficient, inclusive and equitable systems and strategies in line with the sustainable development goals; • identifying new developments and trends in education and training systems in Europe, as well as in the ETF partner countries and may included training and skills development for researchers; • using comparative international data and secondary analyses on innovative policies to facilitate their transferability and scalability; • supporting the ETF in its efforts to analyse and assess national and international trends; • enhancing the ETF capacity to identify key challenges and policy options; • promoting international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral collaborations in identifying, documenting and implementing practices; • providing analyses that deepen the understanding of policies and practices across partner countries as input for further collaboration efforts; • supporting the ETF in implementing relevant programmes, including by using surveys and other research instruments to gather feedback from stakeholders and users of the programmes, identifying key findings and policy lessons; • feeding information into the peer-learning processes that involve national policy makers and are facilitated by the ETF. Assignments within the scope of the framework contract will mainly target ETF partner countries but may also involve EU Member States and other countries.
Lot 3
Statistical Services
The objective of the statistical services lot is to identify one economic operator able to provide statistical services for shaping, supporting and co-implementing evidence-based analyses, including provision of statistical data and key indicators. The main tasks envisaged are: • annual data collection and compilation of quantitative and qualitative evidence for the ETF monitoring framework; • national data collection of disaggregated data from national administrative sources, through relevant country stakeholders and considering data and legal constraints (e.g., data availability, data and database access); • data organisation and input into different tools and databases and presentation in appropriate formats, i.e. digital or reports; • data cleaning, relevance, harmonisation and consistency check of data, indicators and approaches; • recommendations, advice and training on different platforms and databases for improved data management; • data visualisation from statistical work (tables, graphs, histograms, maps, etc.); • liaison and communication with ETF experts The successful economic operator will deal with data collection and statistical analysis with official statistical data and indicators at a national, EU and international level in the field of human capital development especially, education, training and labour market as well as the ability to handle complex data sets using specialised statistical tools (e.g. SPSS, STATA, Python or similar) is the required expertise. Each assignment is designed in detail by the ETF and may vary in duration from a few days to a period of months up to a maximum of twelve consecutive months. Assignments will mostly be desk based but could require travel in ETF partner countries. Experts will either work independently or within a team and/or with ETF staff or other external experts and their work may be a standalone project or a component of a wider project containing other activities with the involvement of different stakeholders.
Lot 4
Big Data Analytics
The objective of the Big Data analytics lot is to contract an economic operator specialised in the field of Big Data analytics related to labour market / skills intelligence, who will be contracted to provide services in support of the ETF work in this area. The services to be delivered will concern notably the following: Block 1: technical development, maintenance, data collection, processing, classification, delivery, visualisation: • expansion of the OJV-based data systems to new countries, building on the experience, technology and lessons learned from the pilot phase above described; supported by system of quality monitoring tools and reporting; • further consolidation, quality improvement and maintenance of the existing OJV-based data systems, building on lessons learned and system review; • conceptualisation, development, and implementation of improved data delivery / visualisation tool / platform addressing the needs of different target users, e.g. a) analysts and researchers and b) wider public (learners, employers, education and training providers, institutions of public and private sector); Block 2: analysis, interpretation, methodological innovation, capacity development: • conceptualisation and implementation of suitable approach(es) and tools for analysis of different aspects of supply side, e.g. data on the stock of competences and qualifications in the working age / active/employed population; knowledge, skills and competences defined in education and training offerings (analysis of curricula, programmes, qualifications – all levels and sectors); • comparative analysis of demand and supply side data on skills and competences – by sectors, occupations, regions, countries; dashboards, visualisation of results; • analysis of specific themes based on the existing databases of ETF project, e.g. on trends and features of remote work, green jobs and skills, emerging technical and transversal skills, digital skills; dashboards, visualisation of results; • analytical reports and briefs on specific themes related with the applications of AI and data science in the domain of LMI, challenges, new perspectives and possibilities; • contribution to ETF reflection and technical development related with use of results/data of the project Big Data for LMI for other relevant ETF projects and analysis; • contribution to ETF reflection towards renewal of the OJV data system and innovative analytical approaches based on combination of different data sources and methods; • participation and contribution in ETF dissemination and capacity development events, networks related with the thematic domains of Big Data for LMI.
Reference Notice type Publication date
2022/S 045-113058
Contract notice
04/03/2022 00:00