Call for tenders' details

Annex 3 Form 8 has been updated. A new document is available in the document library
Support in Maintenance of the Environmental Management System According to ISO 1...
Contracting authority:
European Court of Auditors (ECA)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
AO 800
Support in Maintenance of the Environmental Management System According to ISO 14001 and EMAS
The subject of the two framework contracts (one per lot) is the provision to the European Court of Auditors (hereafter referred to as the ‘Court’) of high quality methodological support and related consultancy services for the maintenance of the Court’s environmental management system (EMS) based on the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) European standard and ISO 14001:2015, as well as the provision of environmental trainings.
Open procedure
All lots
Framework agreement
Conditions for participation
Tenderers must prove that they have the legal and regulatory capacity to carry out the professional activity necessary for the performance of the work covered by this invitation to tender (registration in the relevant trade or professional register, or equivalent, legible copy of the notice of appointment of the person(s) authorised to represent the tenderer in the conclusion of contracts) in accordance with the legislation of the State in which they are established.Legal and regulatory capacity must be proven by submitting the supporting documents listed in Section 8.1 of Part A of the tender documents.
See Part A of the tender specifications point 8.2.1 (lot 1) and point 8.2.2 (lot 2).
14/10/2022 00:00
24/11/2022 16:00
25/11/2022 10:00
Lot number Title Description
Lot 1
Maintenance of EMS
The subject of the framework contract (FWC) is the provision to the Court of high quality methodological support and related consultancy services for the maintenance of the Court’s environmental management system (EMS) based on the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) European standard and ISO 14001:2015. The services are divided into three areas of tasks as described in the Tender Specifications annexed to the FWC (Annex I, Part B.1), which include the calculation of the carbon footprint with Bilan Carbon® method, the maintenance of the documentation of the environmental management system and additional tasks.
Lot 2
Environmental Trainings
The subject of the FWC is the provision to the Court of environmental trainings, in particular trainings in environmental management systems for the ECA EMAS team and trainings in environmental audits, as described in the tender specifications annexed to the FWC (Annex I, Part B.2).
Reference Notice type Publication date
2022/S 199-561210
Contract notice
14/10/2022 00:00