Call for tenders' details

Study on EU integrated policy assessment for the freshwater and marine environme...
Contracting authority:
European Commission, DG ENV+CLIMA
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
Study on EU integrated policy assessment for the freshwater and marine environment, on the economic benefits of EU water policy and on the costs of its non-implementation.
This contract concerns (A) the value of clean water as an input for the European economy; and (B) integrated policy assessment in the context of all EU water and marine environment legislation. Part A will serve to increase the understanding of the full value of water and water services and how water resources contribute to economic development and citizens' well-being. It will provide more insight into the functioning of the Water Framework Directive. Part B will support the Commission's policy assessment capacity which is centred around models of the physical, chemical and biological aspects of freshwater and marine environments. These models are held by the Commission and are not part of this contract. Instead, the contract will help in collecting and preparing input data on environmental pressures, costs and performance of measures to be taken, definition of scenarios, and socio-economic assessment of the model output.
Open procedure
Most economic
29/06/2016 00:00
22/08/2016 16:00
02/09/2016 10:30
Lots The call for tenders has no lots.
Reference Notice type Publication date
2016/S 123-219871
Contract notice
29/06/2016 00:00