Call for tenders' details

Operation, maintenance, development, assistance and consultancy services for the...
Contracting authority:
European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
Operation, maintenance, development, assistance and consultancy services for the CMMS/COSWIN software for the European Parliament buildings on the sites of BE, LU and FR
In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 of the European Parliament and the Council of 25.10. 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the European Union, the European Parliament has decided to launch this invitation to tender to cover the services of operation, maintenance, development, assistance and consultancy for the CMMS/Coswin software, for the buildings occupied or to be occupied by the European Parliament on the sites of Brussels (BE), Luxembourg (LU) and Strasbourg (FR).
Open procedure
10/02/2018 00:00
19/03/2018 23:59
27/03/2018 10:00
Lot number Title Description
Lot 1
Lot A: operation, maintenance, assistance – Helpdesk support, development – development support, consultancy – user support – training, mobile tool
Area 1 — operation. The contractor will provide the various services necessary for the operation of the CMMS, and will make every effort to ensure the permanent smooth running of the software. Area 2 — maintenance. The contractor will provide the various services necessary for the maintenance of the CMMS, covering the preventive, corrective and upgrading maintenance of the IS. Area 3 — assistance – Helpdesk support. The contractor will set up and manage a Helpdesk and will follow up the requests for assistance it receives. Area 4 — development – development support. At the request of the European Parliament, the contractor will provide consulting and development services for new functionalities related to the improvement of the CMMS solution. Area 5 — consultancy – user support — training. At the request of the European Parliament, the contractor will provide: — consulting services on good practices for the use of the CMMS in the field of building management, — direct support to users, — training for users of the CMMS. Area 6 — mobile tool. At the request of the European Parliament, the contractor will take charge of the supply, implementation, maintenance and assistance for a Coswin mobile solution at the 3 workplaces. This must be fully integrated with the IT and network environment of the European Parliament.
Lot 2
Lot B: advice and consultancy, assistance — development — training
Area 1 — advice and consultancy. The contractor will provide advice and consultancy services oriented towards building services with respect to the use of CMMS. Area 2 — assistance — development — training. The contractor will provide services: — of assistance for European Parliament officials in managing the CMMS contract, — of the development of new functionalities relating to the data provided by the CMMS (development outside of COSWIN) in order to facilitate the exploitation of the same, — of assistance and advice in the event of a possible migration to new CMMS or BIM solutions, — of training for users of the CMMS. The training may concern the use of spreadsheets to facilitate the exploitation of data from Coswin and methods of reporting, with tools related to Coswin or others.
Reference Notice type Publication date
2018/S 029-062396
Contract notice
10/02/2018 00:00