Call for tenders' details

Support for the planning and deployment of efficient, low carbon District Heatin...
Contracting authority:
European Commission, DG Energy (ENER)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
Support for the planning and deployment of efficient, low carbon District Heating and Cooling in cities
The objective of this action is to support cities in their endeavour to plan and deploy new, efficient DHC systems or extend, refurbish existing ones to higher standards, allowing greater uptake of renewables, recovering of excess heat or cold while improving the overall efficiency of the systems. Using the tools and expertise already developed and available, the goal is to improve market uptake of DHC solutions.The advanced implementation of the EU funded Smart Cities and Communities projects, especially those with a special focus on smart thermal networks, and the good replication policy created a great interest for the DHC sector in numerous cities. In order to create real impact on DHC upgrading and deployment, city administrations need being better informed about the possibilities DHC can offer and there is an increased need for supporting tools and tailor made guidance to orient and support decision makers at city level.
Open procedure
Public contract
Most economic
Conditions for participation
17/08/2018 00:00
24/09/2018 10:00
26/09/2018 10:00
Lots The call for tenders has no lots.
Reference Notice type Publication date
2018/S 157-359390
Contract notice
17/08/2018 00:00