Call for tenders' details

Multiple Cascading Framework Contracts for Training Services for the Staff of th...
Contracting authority:
European Commission, DG Human Resources and Security (HR)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
Multiple Cascading Framework Contracts for Training Services for the Staff of the European Institutions, Offices, other Bodies and EU Agencies who Hold or may be called on to hold Managerial Posts
Multiple cascading framework contracts for training and coaching services for the staff of the European institutions, offices, other bodies and EU agencies who hold or may be called on to hold managerial posts.
Open procedure
All lots
Framework agreement
Conditions for participation
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
31/05/2019 00:00
02/07/2019 15:00
03/07/2019 10:30
Lot number Title Description
Lot 1
Lot 1: Training in Managerial Skills
The contractor’s main tasks under Lot 1 will be:(i) to deliver the courses shown in the school’s current schedule, attached as Annex 1, as long as they are continued and to develop new programmes for the School. In particular this includes blended learning and methods of professional development based on group facilitation;(ii) to develop and run tailor-made training courses in response to the specific needs of an institution or group of institutions. In particular this includes blended learning and distance/virtual learning;(iii) to provide a team of quality trainers to deliver these training programmes;(iv) to proactively monitor the evaluation of the training activities proposed and, in agreement with the Contracting Authorities concerned, to take any necessary corrective action.
Lot 2
Coaching for Managers and Teams
The contractor’s main tasks under Lot 2 will be:(i) to provide a team of coaches, including highly qualified coaches (some of whom should be able to act as coach trainers and coach supervisors) with significant experience of management themselves, to provide coaching services (including, for some, coach training and coach supervision for internal coaches) on behalf of the School and the other Contracting Authorities;(ii) to proactively monitor the evaluation of the coaching activities proposed and, in agreement with the Contracting Authorities concerned, to take any necessary corrective action.
Reference Notice type Publication date
2019/S 104-250682
Contract notice
31/05/2019 00:00