Call for tenders' details
Tender reference number
Telecommunications Services
The purpose of this procurement is to acquire services for telecommunications including internet connections, fibre and voice communications, in Portugal and abroad in roaming, and equipment (devices) for mobile communications.The procurement procedure includes 2 lots:Lot 1: Data Communications; andLot 2: Voice Communications.The objective is to conclude 2 framework contracts covering all needs of voice and data services of the Agency, and of any other Agency or Institutions hosted in the EMSA premises or with whom EMSA has an agreement for service sharing.
Contract type
Procedure type
Open procedure
Published on TED
Submission Method
Tenders may be submitted
One or more lot
Maximum number of lots
Information about a public contract, a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system (DPS)
Framework agreement
Address of the buyer profile: (URL)
Main CPV
Conditions for participation
Suitability to pursue the professional activity, including requirements relating to enrolment on professional or trade registers
As per point 15.3 of the tender specifications.
Economic and financial standing - List and brief description of selection criteria
As per point 15.4 of the tender specifications.
Economic and financial standing- Minimum level(s) of standards possibly required
Technical and professional ability - List and brief description of selection criteria
As per point 15.5 of the tender specifications.
Technical and professional ability - Minimum level(s) of standards possibly required
TED publication date
05/12/2019 00:00
Question deadline
03/01/2020 22:59 UTC+01:00
Answer deadline
07/01/2020 22:59 UTC+01:00
Time limit for receipt of tenders
13/01/2020 16:00
Conditions for opening tenders (date)
15/01/2020 11:00
Lot number
Lot 1
Data Communications
The tenderer shall provide a detailed description of the services offered. The bid shall contain as a minimum the following:(a) redundant internet access for the EMSA premises in Lisbon, operated via low-latency symmetric fibre optics technology without contention. No restriction on protocols and ports should apply. This service must be operational by 25.4.2020 the latest;(b) ADSL or equivalent Internet access technology to provide separate extra connectivity to the EMSA premises for specific purposes, through a physical connection which must be different from the ones used for the previously mentioned redundant internet access;(c) direct fibre to connect the EMSA premises in Lisbon to the FCCN Datacentre in Lisbon;(d) direct connection services to the main cloud service providers in their main EU Datacentres;(e) consultancy and managed services related to data communications.Technical Specification are detailed in Appendix A.
Lot 2
Voice Communications
The tenderer shall provide a detailed description of the services offered. The bid shall contain as a minimum the following:(a) fixed telephony services for the EMSA premises in Lisbon. This service must be operational by 17.4.2020 at the latest;(b) mobile telephony and data services and equipment;(c) consultancy, integration and managed services related to voice communications and unified communications.Technical specification are detailed in Appendix B.
Notice type
Publication date
2019/S 235-574760
Contract notice
05/12/2019 00:00