Call for tenders' details

L’ouverture publique prévue le 15/06/2020 à 14h30 n’a pas pu être organisée avec succès, en raison de perturbations informatiques et techniques. Une 2e ouverture publique a eu lieu dans les locaux de la Commission européenne –Luxembourg, le mardi 16/06/2020 - Heure locale: 15H / Adresse: Office Infrastructures et logistiques (OIL)-bâtiment ARIANE, 1er étage, salle A 072, 400 route d’Esch L-1471 Luxembourg
Theoretical and practical training in the areas of fire prevention and raising a...
Contracting authority:
European Commission, Office for Infrastructure and LogisticsinLuxembourg (OIL)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
Theoretical and practical training in the areas of fire prevention and raising awareness in the event of fires
Lot 1 theoretical and practical training in the field of fire risk prevention for the institutions’ staff.Prevention and intervention teams (Équipiers de prévention et d’intervention - EPI), staff who are in charge in the event of an evacuation of a building. They make sure that all the occupants of the zone have evacuated the offices. The mission of the Prevention and intervention teams is to report on the state of evacuation pertaining to the sector.Intervention team leaders (Équipiers chefs d’intervention - ECI), responsible for prevention and intervention within their zone, manage communication between various participants.Lot 2 awareness raising training for staff in the event of a fire.Objective: promote staff safety, prevention and fire-fighting policies. Inform staff of health and safety risks as well as protection and prevention related actions. Implement these ‘awareness raising days’ programmes using mobile training units. The training covers a theoretical and a practical component.
Open procedure
All lots
Public contract
Conditions for participation
List and description indicated in the contract documents.
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
06/05/2020 00:00
11/06/2020 18:00
15/06/2020 14:30
Lot number Title Description
Lot 1
Theoretical and practical fire training in the field of fire risk prevention - Luxembourg
Organisation of theoretical and practical training in the areas of fire prevention, raising awareness in the event of fires, and evacuation of buildings located in Luxembourg by the institutions’ staff.
Lot 2
Awareness raising actions for the conduct to adopt in the event of fire and evacuation of buildings — Luxembourg
Organisation of awareness raising training for staff on the conduct to be adopted in the event of fire and evacuation of buildings — Luxembourg.The objective of these training sessions is to teach staff how to carry out prevention and intervention actions in the field of fire risk. They are aimed at two distinct groups:— Prevention and intervention teams (Équipiers de prévention et d’intervention - EPI);— Intervention team leaders (Équipiers chefs d’intervention - ECI).
Reference Notice type Publication date
2020/S 088-209562
Contract notice
06/05/2020 00:00