Call for tenders' details

European resource efficiency self-assessment tool for SMEs.
Contracting authority:
European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agen...
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
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European resource efficiency self-assessment tool for SMEs.
The present call for tender aims at selecting a service provider for the development and testing of a European resource efficiency self-assessment tool for SMEs, hereafter 'the tool', and of a catalogue of resource efficiency improvement measures, hereafter 'the catalogue', which will enable European SMEs to increase the understanding of their resource efficiency performance and identify what steps could be made to improve it. In particular, the contractor will be responsible for the development of the tool and the catalogue prototypes through the provision of the features, the content and the components necessary for them to be built and integrated into a Web application developed in-house by the IT service(s) of the European Commission.The tool, including the catalogue, is conceived as the first module towards the establishment of a European Resource Efficiency Excellence Centre (COSME 2015), hereafter 'the centre', and it will be further developed, integrated and refined by the centre. The tool shall be designed to provide European SMEs of any sector, size (small, medium, micro enterprises) and geographic area with a user-friendly method to assess their resource efficiency performance and to explore which measures could be adopted to improve it in a cost-effective manner. This action will develop the prototype of a European self-assessment tool for SMEs on the basis of existing, proven methodologies to be translated and adapted to an EU-wide context, as well as the prototype of a catalogue of different types of resource efficiency improvement measures, providing data and information on their effectiveness, competitiveness impact and cost-efficiency. The data collected through the tool and the catalogue prototypes will be included in a European resource efficiency information database, which will be set up and developed in-house by the IT service(s) of the European Commission. Finally, the tool, the catalogue and the overall Web application integrating them shall be tested with SMEs by the contractor.It is important to highlight that the scope of this action is restricted to the development of the tool and the catalogue prototypes and their testing with SMEs. The resulting ready-to-use versions, integrated into a Web application developed in-house by the IT service(s) of the European Commission, will be made available and be operated in the public domain only afterwards in the context of the centre which will further refine and complete them with additional data and information.
Open procedure
30/08/2014 00:00
06/10/2014 23:59
14/10/2014 10:30
Lots The call for tenders has no lots.
Reference Notice type Publication date
2014/S 166-295687
Contract notice
30/08/2014 00:00