Call for tenders' details

Knowledge Hub for Human development
Contracting authority:
European Commission, DG for International Partnerships (INTPA)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
Knowledge Hub for Human development
The Knowledge Hub for Human development will be established to ensure access to international expertise and EU know-how for the effective implementation of EU commitments in a number of thematic areas under the People chapter of the Global Europe instrument, including the human rights based approach. The overall objective of this action is to increase the benefits for the target population, including women, of the human development aspects of our programmes at global, regional and country level. Its specific objective is to increase the effectiveness of the human development aspects of EU programmes at global, regional and country level. This procedure will be divided in 3 lots: Lot 1 - 'Knowledge Hub for expertise on Gender equality, Disability and Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA)'; Lot 2 - 'Knowledge Hub for expertise on Health, Social Protection and Socio-Economic inequalities'; Lot 3: 'Knowledge Hub for expertise on Youth'.
12,000,000.00 EUR
17/12/2021 00:00
19/05/2022 16:00
28/01/2022 16:00
Lot number Title Description
Lot 1
Knowledge Hub for expertise on Gender equality, Disability and HRBA
This Hub will assist EC headquarters services and EU Delegations worldwide in the implementation of the Human Rights Based Approach and the Gender Action Plan III (GAP III) in external actions. The Hub will also provide specialised support on implementing an intersectional approach, integrating the rights of persons with disabilities and addressing all intersecting forms of discrimination, including discrimination against LGBTIQ persons, in implementation of EC external actions.
Lot 2
Knowledge Hub for expertise on Health, Social Protection and Socio-Economic inequalities
This Hub will provide expertise and knowledge to EC headquarters services and EU Delegations worldwide in the areas of socio-economic inequalities, health and social protection. It will support sector specific policy formulation in these areas, including cover social protection across the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus (SPaN), and contribute to EC participation in international initiatives.
Lot 3
Knowledge Hub for expertise on Youth
This Hub will provide expertise and knowledge to the EC headquarters services and EU Delegations worldwide in the area of youth in external action (youth participation and empowerment, as well as youth specific issues in sectoral policies). The Hub will also support sector specific policy and actions formulation in this area and will provide support on the implementation of the upcoming Youth Action Plan, as well as in the management of the Youth Sounding Board for International Partnerships.
Reference Notice type Publication date
2021/S 245-642520
Contract notice
17/12/2021 00:00