Информация за планираната покана за участие в търг

Site Emergency Services Telecom
Възлагащ орган:
European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Geel (JRC-GEE)
Дата на стартиране:
Краен срок за изразяване на интерес:
Site Emergency Services Telecom
Please note that this is not a call for tenders but a publication announcing the Contracting authority’s intention to publish a future negotiated low or middle valueprocedure.

This framework contract covers the emergency services radio communications network (ASTRID, pagers, walkie talkies). As this network is in place, so there is no initial investment. The emphasis of this contract is on maintenance and ageing management of the existing equipment. In order to remain compliant with legal security requirements, JRC-Geel will conclude a framework contract for the supply, installation and maintenance of its currently operated telecom systems. These systems comprise: • UHF walkie talkies • Swissphone ResQ pagers (including software) • ASTRID telephone posts • Kolibri location software • Satphone posts The contract will be concluded for an initial period of 12 months, which can be extended annually to a maximum duration of 48 months. The contract shall include supply, installation, corrective as well as preventive maintenance. A warranty period of at least 24 months after delivery and acceptance of the soft- and hardware is required by the signature of the Certificate of Conformity by the Contracting Authority.
Планирана процедура на договаряне за поръчки с ниска или средна стойност
Най-ниска цена
Условия за участие
Важни събития
04/05/2022 00:00
19/05/2022 23:59
Партиди Поканата за участие в търг няма партиди.
Обявления Nothing found to display.