Podrobnosti plánované výzvy k podávání nabídek

EEA/CET/22/006 - Visual identity of the Climate Advisory Board (2.6.3)
Veřejný zadavatel:
European Environment Agency (EEA)
Datum zahájení:
Lhůta pro vyjádření zájmu:
EEA/CET/22/006 - Visual identity of the Climate Advisory Board (2.6.3)
Please note that this is not a call for tenders but a publication announcing the Contracting authority’s intention to publish a future negotiated low or middle value procedure (read more here).

The European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change is an independent organization and will therefore need to establish its own visual identity. The strategic purpose of the visual identity is to reflect the role of the Advisory Board described in the European Climate Law. This contract comprises the preparation of a visual identity and a design manual that can be used as the basis for a webpage design as well as other communication channels and products.
Plánované jednací řízení u veřejných zakázek střední/nízké hodnoty
Nejlepší pomĕr mezi cenou a kvalitou
50,000.00 EUR
Podmínky účasti
The EEA can only sign a contract with an entity that has access to the market. Currently, this applies to natural and legal persons from one of the 32 EEA member countries and to all natural and legal persons established in a third country that has a special agreement with the European Union in the field of procurement on the conditions laid down in that agreement. At this point in time, tenderers established in one of the following countries are eligible: EU-27, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey; under the stabilisation and association agreements: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Kosovo under the UN Security Council Resolution 1244/99.
24/06/2022 00:00
12/07/2022 23:59
13/07/2022 - 20/07/2022
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