Call for tenders' details

19/10/2015: new submissiion deadline is 20/11/2015. 16/10/2015: The IP Rights provisions have been revised in the TS and in the draft contract. A new paragraph has been revised also in the Tender Specifications (pg. 17). The revised documents have been published.
Capturing innovation impulses from emerging economies.
Contracting authority:
European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agen...
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
The deadline to download documents of this call for tenders has been reached. The download of documents is not possible The deadline to download documents of this call for tenders has been reached. The download of documents is not possible
Capturing innovation impulses from emerging economies.
EASME wishes to enter into a service contract. The objective of this service contract is to provide the European Union with a toolbox that enables innovation and trade promotion agencies to provide better services to small and medium-sized enterprises that want to realise growth opportunities by engaging in emerging markets with targeted innovation activities.
Open procedure
25/08/2015 00:00
20/11/2015 23:59
27/11/2015 10:30
Lot number Title Description
Lot 1
A learning environment to increase awareness of intercultural business communication and the cultural dimension of markets in emerging economies
The focus of lot 1 is the self-assessment and awareness creation in the European SME and the provision of background information on intercultural communication as well as specific information on business culture in ‘culture zones’. The self-assessment to be developed shall be used by individual employees or the management team of an enterprise. It shall prepare the company/the employee for engagement in emerging economies. It shall provide the staff that will interact with business partners, future clients or consumers in emerging economies the necessary knowledge to recognise and address the cultural dimension in markets and in personal interactions.
Lot 2
Capturing, understanding and interpreting the cultural dimension and specific needs of emerging markets ‘in-situ’ in the emerging market
The focus of lot 2 is the accompanied temporary immersion of SME decision-makers into an emerging market with the aim to capture impulses for the company's innovation activities. The service to be offered targets SME managers with the power to make or prepare decisions on the strategic orientation of the company's innovation activities.
Lot 3
Assisting ‘ex-situ’ the collaboration for new value chains in emerging economies
The focus of lot 3 is the translation of ‘market insight’ into innovation or investment projects by involving peers/lead users/business partners in the preparation of concrete projects for new value chains. The service to be offered targets managing staff or senior experts who prepare concrete innovation projects.
Reference Notice type Publication date
2015/S 202-365033
17/10/2015 00:00
2015/S 163-297795
Contract notice
25/08/2015 00:00