Call for tenders' details

Provision of Advisory Services to the Secretariat General Directorate of the Eur...
Contracting authority:
European Investment Bank (EIB)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
Provision of Advisory Services to the Secretariat General Directorate of the European Investment Bank (SG)
The objective of this Call for Tenders is to request the provision of services to support the activities within the remit of the General Secretariat Directorate (SG), or led by the General Secretariat across the EIB Group, namely in terms of regulatory changes (and their respective impact), strategy and organisational definition and implementation, as well as business analysis and project/change management.The purpose of this Call for Tenders is to select 5 service providers for each of the 3 lots below under a multiple framework agreement with re-opening of competition:• Lot 1: Regulatory changes;• Lot 2: Strategy and organization definition and implementation;• Lot 3: Business analysis and project/change management in the domains related to SG.
Open procedure
One or more lot
Framework agreement
5,000,000.00 EUR
Conditions for participation
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
25/06/2021 00:00
13/08/2021 15:00
16/08/2021 15:00
Lot number Title Description
Lot 1
Regulatory Changes
The service providers shall provide assistance and expertise to the EIB Group in reviewing best banking practices in specific prudential and non-prudential regulatory areas to identify both potential gaps against regulations and market practice and EIB Group’s necessary efforts needed to cover these gaps.Due to the complexity and the evolving regulatory environment, the scope of the current lot may cover the following non-exhaustive list of areas:• Assessment of BBP regulatory requirements (prudential/non-prudential): with the objective to understand how the EIB shall interpret regulatory requirements and what impact such requirements have within the organizational framework of the EIB, as well as at EIB Group level (if applicable).• Review of organisational, processes and procedures changes across the EIB Group and assistance in the practical implementation of BBP requirements: directly and/or indirectly resulting from the assessment of a regulatory requirement, and to be performed in the context of the implementation of such requirements.• Strengthening of the corporate governance and overall governance structure by focusing on the mechanism, optimization and functioning of the EIB Group Governance (both corporate and institutional), and ensuring effective and prudent management of the organisation.• Increase awareness and understanding of the evolving regulatory changes that may impact the EIB Group: provide advice to enhance and reinforce awareness of regulatory requirements, through regulatory watch service (and all related infrastructure) and/or any other type of initiative to improve staff knowledge on regulatory requirements.• Review of internal controls (and associated risks): which are necessary to ensure proper and effective functioning of the different business areas of the Bank/Group in line with the Bank’s Internal Control Framework.The expected deliverables will be specified for each specific assignment.
Lot 2
Strategy and Organization Definition and Implementation
The service providers shall provide assistance and expertise to the EIB Group in terms of strategy and organisation, for large transformation initiatives across the Bank, and involving the General Secretariat.The provision of the services under this lot can be split into the following non-exhaustive list of activities:• Strategy definition and implementation: advise the General Secretariat Directorate in defining strategy and designing transversal implementation action plans for large initiatives that may have either organizational or/and institutional impact.• Target operating model: provide insights and advice on the review of specific functions or services of the institution in line with key organisational principles (e.g. 3 Lines of Defense among others, outsourcing of certain functions) and ensuring a more efficient and effective functioning of the Bank’s activities.• Governance topics: provide insights to the review of Corporate Governance (for improved functioning of the Bank’s governance) and any other governance or organizational related matter (in particular coming from the Evaluations’ recommendations, Internal Audit Reports, etc.)
Lot 3
Business Analysis and Project/Change Management in the Domains Related to Secretariat General
The service providers shall provide assistance and expertise in terms of business analysis, project and change management to the different teams composing the Secretariat General – or in any other initiative under the lead of the Secretariat General.The provision of the services under this lot can be split into the following non-exhaustive list of activities:— project/programme management capabilities: support in the project/programme design, implementation and follow-up (e.g. covering project/programme governance and steering definition and animation, planning definition and follow-up, project/programme management office, risks/issues management),— change management capabilities: support all initiatives (either project or programme) in terms of change management (e.g. elaboration of change management plan, support communication, relevant training activities, and any other related topic),— secretariat general policies, processes, procedures and controls: contribute to the design, review and implementation of policies, processes and procedures within the remit of the Secretariat General or involving the Secretariat General. This also includes the design and review of controls identified in the context the SG Internal Control Framework,— business analysis: support the definition and formalisation of business needs in view of the preparation of a technical solution design, and follow-up of solution designs with technical teams,— data analysis and reporting: support in particular the Secretariat General in the analysis of large data sets (through data analytics capabilities – for economic analysis purpose primarily) and data reporting.
Reference Notice type Publication date
2021/S 121-316995
Contract notice
25/06/2021 00:00