Détails de l’appel d’offres prévu

Supporting GNI verification for Own Resources
Pouvoir adjudicateur:
European Commission, DG EUROSTAT
Date de commencement:
Date limite pour manifester son intérêt:
Supporting GNI verification for Own Resources
Please note that this is not a call for tenders but a publication announcing the Contracting authority’s intention to publish a future negotiated low or middle valueprocedure.

The subject of this call for tender is the analytical and methodological support actions with the aim to assist Eurostat in the verification of specific aspects of the sources and methods used by Member States to calculate GNI and supporting Eurostat in the assessment of the work done by Member States to address GNI reservations. According to article 5 of the GNI Regulation, the Commission (Eurostat) shall verify the sources and methods used by Member States to calculate GNI. The Eurostat's mission is i.a. to ensure the reliability, comparability and exhaustiveness of National Accounts data which are provided for EU GNI Own Resources purposes, thereby improving the overall quality of National Accounts data. The work involves: the assessment of the compliance of the methods and sources used for compiling GNI with the requirements of ESA 2010 and other guidelines and recommendations relevant for the given specific aspect; in cases of non-compliance, proposals/suggestions for the possible solutions to ensure compliance; the assessment of the compliance of the methods and sources used for addressing GNI reservations with the requirements of the GNI reservations and of ESA 2010.
Procédure négociée planifiée pour les marchés de moyenne/faible valeur
Non validé
Meilleur rapport qualité/prix
Additional CPV Supplementary CPV
Conditions de participation
18/03/2023 00:00
27/04/2023 23:59
Lots L'appel d'offres ne contient aucun lot.
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