Sīkāka informācija par uzaicinājumu uz konkursu

Uzaicinājums paust ieinteresētību par iekļaušanu pakalpojumu sniedzēju sarakstā ...
Līgumslēdzēja iestāde:
European Commission, DG Trade (TRADE)
Sākuma datums:
Termiņš intereses izpaušanai:
Uzaicinājums paust ieinteresētību par iekļaušanu pakalpojumu sniedzēju sarakstā ar mērķi aicināt iesniegt piedāvājumu līgumu slēgšanai saistībā ar tirdzniecības politikas ekonomisko analīzi
The objective of establishing the list of vendors is to facilitate procurement of studies and analytical work in the area of trade, the potential development of analytical tools for trade policy, carrying out trade policy related surveys and peer reviews.
Uzaicinājums izteikt ieinteresētību (UII) — piedāvājumu iesniedzēju saraksts
03/03/2020 00:00
02/12/2023 23:59
Apakšsaraksta numurs Virsraksts Apraksts
Apakšsaraksts 1
Economic, social and environmental analyses of trade and investment arrangements/agreements covering the EU and partner countries, including inter alia the use of modelling techniques, econometrics and literature reviews.
Economic, social and environmental analyses of trade and investment arrangements/agreements (unilateral, bilateral, multilateral, sectoral etc.) covering the EU and partner countries, including inter alia the use of modelling techniques, econometrics and literature reviews.
Apakšsaraksts 2
Analytical and feasibility studies of trade related digital solutions, IT tools and development of related software.
Analytical and feasibility studies of trade related digital solutions, IT tools and development of related software.
Apakšsaraksts 3
Economic analysis, including literature reviews, of any other specific trade policy topic.
Economic analysis of any other specific trade policy topic (including trade restrictive measures taken by partner countries e.g. in the context of the Trade Barriers Regulation or disputes discussed at the World Trade Organization).
Apakšsaraksts 4
Development of trade policy modelling and trade data analytical tools.
Development of trade policy modelling and trade data analytical tools. For example, building extensions of existing models, creating user-friendly modelling modules and providing analytical means to assess and analyse large volumes of trade related data, such as firm-level trade data and product-level trade data.
Apakšsaraksts 5
Trade policy related surveys.
Trade policy related surveys.
Apakšsaraksts 6
Peer review (blind) of tasks carried out under the sublists above (primarily lots 1-3).
Peer review (blind) of tasks carried out under the sublists above (primarily lots 1-3), including by the Commission itself, safeguarding standards of the work undertaken commensurate with the level of technical requirements for publications in peer-reviewed journals.
Atsauce Paziņojuma tips Publicēšanas datums
2022/S 209-592944
28/10/2022 00:00
2020/S 099-236272
22/05/2020 00:00
2020/S 044-102935
Paziņojums par līgumu
03/03/2020 11:52