Informācija par plānoto uzaicinājumu iesniegt piedāvājumus

Data Collection for Behavioural Experiment with Farmers
Līgumslēdzēja iestāde:
European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Seville (JRC-SVQ)
Sākuma datums:
Termiņš intereses izpaušanai:
Data Collection for Behavioural Experiment with Farmers
Please note that this is not a call for tenders but a publication announcing the Contracting authority’s intention to publish a future negotiated low or middle valueprocedure.

The new green architecture of the proposal for a Common Agricultural Policy post 2020 (CAP 2020+) introduces a new voluntary policy measure to promote environmentally friendly practices, the Eco-Schemes (ECS). Farmers so willing will be able to choose from a portfolio of environmentally friendly management practices offered by countries against a payment.In 2020 the European Commission – Joint Research Centre (JRC) undertook a behavioural experiment on farmers and the new green architecture of the CAP focusing basically on the trade-offs between mandatory (conditionality) and voluntary (eco-schemes) contributions of farmers to the environment (Dessart el al. 2021) . The experiment did not fully take into account the interaction with agri-environmental and climate measures (AECM). Therefore there is a need to improve the understanding of the inter-actions between eco-schemes and AECM with a view to the assessment of CAP strategic plans and the implementation of the new CAP. The present contract aims to collect data from a sample of farmers in at least four countries from the European Union using a computer assisted platform. The selected contractor is expected to: - program the questionnaire and experiment developed by the JRC (including all of its variants to capture the relevant treatments) into an electronic platform; - translate it to the relevant languages; - pilot the questionnaire in some of the countries where the fieldwork will be undertaken, - implement the changes needed as a follow-up of the finding of the pilot, - implement the revised questionnaire and experiment to a sample of farmers in the selected countries, and - prepare a database with the data gathered.
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23/06/2021 00:00
07/07/2021 23:59
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