Dettalji ta’ sejħa għall-offerti ppjanata

Skills for the Green Transition
L-Awtorità li Qiegħda Toħroġ il-Kuntratt:
European Training Foundation (ETF)
Id-Data tal-Bidu:
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Skills for the Green Transition
Please note that this is not a call for tenders but a publication announcing the Contracting authority’s intention to publish a future negotiated low or middle valueprocedure.

Assessing the integration of sustainability into skills development programmes to drive sector greening efforts in ETF Partner Countries. 1. Review and document the relevance and contents of policies and strategies for the green transition in all ETF Partner Countries mentioned above; 2. Assess the level of implementation of sectors sustainability policies in PCs (achievements, obstacles, likelihood of impact) with a focus on the skills needs (is skilling given sufficient importance to achieve objectives?); 3. Provide advice on advancing the ETF methodology and approach to systematically review and capture country’s progress towards green transition with a focus on education and training needs in order to strengthen the quality of its corresponding policy recommendations to countries; 4. Support ETF in disseminating the findings through diverse media channels with varying degree of technicality, by designing and producing media and knowledge products based on the country findings. Expected results The expected results are: 1. Prepare an inventory of most relevant national policies and sector strategies related to the green transition in all PCs surveyed, with assessment of pertinence and convergence towards the green transition. The inventory will include a broad critical analysis of their content, but most specifically review intentions and appreciation for the envisaged labour market impact and the necessary skills development requirements. 2. Assessment and presentation of the extent to which sustainability objectives are part of national development policies and their integration in both sectorial policies and/or education programmes (particular in primary, secondary (including VET and training), and tertiary level) across the ETF PCs listed above. This should include a review of whether sector greening strategies give sufficient consideration (mention, explicit reference, direct link and actions, full articulation) to their impact on the labour market and therefore the training requirements. 3. Input to ETF methodological note to systematically gather (quantitative + qualitative) evidence related to greening of the education system, that would then feed into the new ETF Monitoring Framework on a regular basis. 4. Agreed package of communication products presenting the findings and the key messages in brief visual forms for convenient promotion through diverse media channels.
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Miri li Jridu Jintlaħqu
05/04/2022 00:00
20/04/2022 23:59
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