Id-Dettalji tas-Sejħa għall-Offerti

Technical assistance to The Directorate for Finance and Contracting of the EU As...
L-Awtorità li Qiegħda Toħroġ il-Kuntratt:
Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR)
Id-data tal-pubblikazzjoni tat-TED:
Limitu ta' żmien għall-wasla tal-offerti:
Technical assistance to The Directorate for Finance and Contracting of the EU Assistance Funds (CFCU) for IPA instrument
The overall objective (Impact) to which this action contributes is:To continue further building and strengthening of the capacities of the CFCU aiming to ensure efficient and effective management and implementation of EU assistance funds to Montenegro. The specific objectives of this contract are as follows: • To support CFCU in the contracting and implementation of the projects financed under programmes for which CFCU has been recognised as contracting authority/implementing agency and contribute to the achievement of its objectives;• To further improve the administrative capacities of CFCU for efficient and effective processes of management of EU assistance funds to Montenegro with a special focus on IPA III perspective;• To prepare administrative structure in the CFCU for IMBC with ex-post control;• To support establishment of the basis for the efficient usage of ESI Funds.
Kuntratt pubbliku
L-aħjar bilanċ bejn il-prezz u l-kwalità
500,000.00 EUR
500,000.00 EUR
Additional CPV Supplementary CPV
Kundizzjonijiet għall-parteċipazzjoni
Please consult the procurement documents available at the address indicated in Section I.3.
The economic and financial capacity required from the candidate or tenderer to perform the contract is detailed in the document A5f "Additional information about the Contract Notice".
The professional and technical capacity required from the candidate or tenderer to perform the contract is detailed in the document A5f "Additional information about the Contract Notice".
Miri li Jridu Jintlaħqu
04/01/2023 00:00
17/07/2023 12:00
15/02/2023 23:30
Il-lottijiet Is-Sejħa għall-Offerti m'għandha l-ebda lott.
Ir-referenza Tip ta’ avviż Id-Data tal-Pubblikazzjoni
2023/S 003-006816
L-Avviż dwar il-Kuntratt
04/01/2023 00:00