Dettalji ta’ sejħa għall-offerti ppjanata

Development and delivery of Workshops for Citizen Dialogues
L-Awtorità li Qiegħda Toħroġ il-Kuntratt:
European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Ispra (JRC-IPR)
Id-Data tal-Bidu:
Data ta’ skadenza biex tesprimi interess:
Development and delivery of Workshops for Citizen Dialogues
Please note that this is not a call for tenders but a publication announcing the Contracting authority’s intention to publish a future negotiated low or middle valueprocedure.

The JRC and the Museo Nazionale della Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci of Milan will collaborate in a joint project, without exchange of funds, to engage with the public on the subject of artificial intelligence, combined with the availability of ''big-data''. This collaboration will ensure that museum's visitors have the opportunity to explore an interactive and immersive visitor experience, physically located in the museum premises and open for an estimated 12 months from November 2020. The focus of this tender procedure will be the organization of interactive citizen engagement workshops. The workshops will involve groups of citizens, mainly from the general public but possibly, on occasion, also groups of invited experts from relevant stakeholder groups. The general public groups will vary from senior school groups to adult only groups. These workshops will be held close to the museum in Milan, within 2 km of walking distance, to ensure that visitors who have been to the Museum and have visited the immersive experience can readily attend a follow up workshop if they wish to.
Proċedura ppjanata nnegozjata għal kuntratti ta’ valur medju/baxx
Mhux ivverifikat
L-aħjar bilanċ bejn il-prezz u l-kwalità
Additional CPV Supplementary CPV
Kundizzjonijiet għall-parteċipazzjoni
Miri li Jridu Jintlaħqu
26/06/2020 00:00
10/07/2020 23:59
13/07/2020 - 17/07/2020
Il-lottijiet Is-Sejħa għall-Offerti m'għandha l-ebda lott.
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