Id-Dettalji tas-Sejħa għall-Offerti

Construction of Kindergartens in the Municipalities of Tetovo and Tearce
L-Awtorità li Qiegħda Toħroġ il-Kuntratt:
Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR)
Id-data tal-pubblikazzjoni tat-TED:
Limitu ta' żmien għall-wasla tal-offerti:
Construction of Kindergartens in the Municipalities of Tetovo and Tearce
The contract shall cover construction of kindergartens in the municipalities of Tetovo and Tearce. The new kindergartens will enable around 450 children aged 0-6 to access preschool education and care in the two municipalities in accordance with the inclusive education approach. Works will be implemented following the PRAG conditions of contract.
Proċedura Miftuħa
Miri li Jridu Jintlaħqu
06/04/2021 00:00
07/06/2021 12:00
14/06/2021 13:00
In-Numru tal-Lott It-titlu Deskrizzjoni
Il-lott 1
Construction of Kindergarten in the Municipality of Tetovo
Construction of one-story kindergarten with net building area of 1 644 m2, on total construction plot area of 6 852.00 m2, cadastral parcel No 5231/1, located in the Municipal Cadastre -Tetovo 2 (Municipality of Tetovo), with capacity for around 250 children aged 0-6. The works shall include purchase of supplies, the volume of which is estimated at 228 different supply items (appliances, equipment, furniture and didactic materials).
Il-lott 2
Construction of Kindergarten in the Municipality of Tearce
Construction of two-story kindergarten, with net building area of 1 400 m2, on total construction plot area of 6 935.00 m2, cadastral parcel No 469/1, located in the Municipal Cadastre-Prshovce (Municipality of Tearce) with capacity for around 200 children aged 0-6. The works shall include purchase of supplies, the volume of which is estimated at 228 different supply items (appliances, equipment, furniture and didactic materials).
Ir-referenza Tip ta’ avviż Id-Data tal-Pubblikazzjoni
2021/S 066-170112
L-Avviż dwar il-Kuntratt
06/04/2021 00:00