Szczegóły planowanego ogłoszenia o przetargu

Technical/IT support on the formulation of tools for the calculation of the carb...
Instytucja zamawiająca:
European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (...
Data początkowa:
Termin zgłoszenia zainteresowania:
Technical/IT support on the formulation of tools for the calculation of the carbon footprint of photovoltaic products.
Please note that this is not a call for tenders but a publication announcing the Contracting authority’s intention to publish a future negotiated low or middle value procedure (read more here).

Development of an online tool (also referred as Service as Software, SAS) to calculate the life cycle carbon footprint of photovoltaic panels according to calculation rules to be developed by the Commission. The contracted services include: (1) development of the online tool, (2) operation and maintenance of the tool during a 6 years period according to the proposed Service Licence Agreement (SLA), (3) development of an online training package on the use of the tool and online support to the users during a 6 years period, (4) monitoring of the users during a 6 years period, and (5) hosting of the IT tool for the entire duration of the contract, when agreed with Commission services.
Planowana procedura negocjacyjna dla zamówień o średniej/niskiej wartości
Najlepsza relacja jakości do ceny
Warunki udziału
Najistotniejsze elementy
05/08/2022 00:00
01/09/2022 16:00
05/09/2022 - 15/09/2022
Części Ogłoszenie o przetargu nie jest podzielone na części.
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