Informações pormenorizadas previstas no convite à apresentação de propostas

Yearly maintenance of 2 Quanstudio 7 rtPCR systems
Entidade adjudicante:
European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Geel (JRC-GEE)
Data de início:
Prazo para manifestar interesse:
Yearly maintenance of 2 Quanstudio 7 rtPCR systems
Please note that this is not a call for tenders but a publication announcing the Contracting authority’s intention to publish a future negotiated low or middle valueprocedure.

Yearly maintenance of 2 Quanstudio 7 rtPCR systems, regular instrument maintenance and performance checks are necessary. The tenderer has to provide a preventive maintenance; as preventive maintenance is understood a periodic intervention on the instrument to ensure its proper function. The intervention will take place once a year at the JRC site on initiative of the contractor after agreement between the JRC technician in charge of the equipment and the supplier. The maintenance shall include: This tender for the preventive maintenance shall include: • Labour • Spare parts necessary to the execution of the intervention • Consumables • Travel and subsistence expenses. • Control of the equipment’s performance The control of the equipment shall include: • Inspection • Cleaning (if necessary) • Maintenance • Installation of any software or firmware updates • Verification of temperature accuracy of the sample block (at least eight points at two temperatures ± 0.25 °C) • Verification of the homogeneity of the heating of the sample block (at least eight points maximal difference between any two points ± 0.5 °C) • Verification of the accuracy of the lid (105°C ±3.00°C) • Optical calibration (ROI, background, and uniformity calibrations) • Dye calibration (FAM™, TAMRA™, ROX™, VIC™, NED™, and SYBR™ Green) • Normalization calibrations (FAM™ / ROX™ and VIC™ / ROX™) The temperature measurements have to be performed with a calibrated instrument certified by an accredited body. At the end of each intervention a technical report will be produced, signed by the contractor and countersigned by the JRC responsible. This technical report will indicate the number of the contract, the work performed, the time spent, and include a detailed account of the defects found and of any parts replaced
Procedimento por negociação previsto para contratos de valor médio/reduzido
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Additional CPV Supplementary CPV
Condições de participação
23/06/2020 00:00
07/07/2020 23:59
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