Detaliile licitației planificate

City light campaign to promote the events at the House of Europe
Autoritate contractantă:
European Commission, DG Communication (COMM)
Data de începere:
Termen-limită pentru exprimarea interesului:
City light campaign to promote the events at the House of Europe
Felhívjuk a figyelmét, hogy ez a közzététel nem tekintendő ajánlati felhívásnak. Célja az ajánlatkérő szerv azon szándékának bejelentése, hogy a jövőben egy alacsony, illetve közepes értékű szerződések odaítélésére irányuló tárgyalásos eljárást kíván meghirdetni (bővebben ittolvashat erről).

The Representation and the European Parliament Liaison Office (EPLO) in Hungary opened their European information and cultural centre, the House of Europe, or Europe Point, in Hungary in January 2011. Europe Point provides visitors with useful information and a range of exciting professional and cultural events with a European theme. Besides promotion of the events on social media, the Representation will continue with online display campaigns from September to December 2022 from the online promotion contract of the media sector. The promotion of the events of the following period (until June 2023) will have to be implemented through a new procurement procedure. In this regard, a city light campaign is a good tool to increase the visibility of Europe Point. The aim of the CLP campaign will be to attract new, potential visitors. The advantage of a city light campaign is that it enables greater visibility around Europe Point and surrounding areas but also from other districts of the city where Europe Point can be easily accessed by public transportation.
Procedură de negociere planificată pentru contracte cu valoare medie/scăzută
cel mai bun raport preț-calitate
Additional CPV Supplementary CPV
Condiții de participare
Etape cheie
05/09/2022 00:00
29/09/2022 23:59
30/09/2022 - 31/10/2022
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