Detaliile licitației planificate

Background data collection for waste plastic recycling and recovery pathways
Autoritate contractantă:
European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Seville (JRC-SVQ)
Data de începere:
Termen-limită pentru exprimarea interesului:
Background data collection for waste plastic recycling and recovery pathways
Please note that this is not a call for tenders but a publication announcing the Contracting authority’s intention to publish a future negotiated low or middle valueprocedure.

The objective of this contract is to collect detailed technical and socio-economic data with regard to recycling and recovery routes of waste plastics, in particular chemical recycling, mechanical recycling and energy recovery. The data to be provided via this work will serve as a basis to compare mechanical recycling, chemical recycling and energy recovery of waste plastics. Comparing these plastic waste management options at end-of-life will require taking into account the collection, sorting and recycling operations. In particular, the collected data should serve as a basis to calculate the greenhouse gas emission savings from plastic recycling options compared to linear options consisting of virgin plastic production and disposal at the end of life.
Procedură de negociere planificată pentru contracte cu valoare medie/scăzută
cel mai bun raport preț-calitate
Condiții de participare
Etape cheie
26/08/2020 00:00
10/09/2020 23:59
Loturi Licitaţia nu are niciun lot.
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