Detalii licitaţie

Construction of Wastewater Treatment Plants and (re)Construction of Wastewater C...
Autoritate contractantă:
Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR)
Data de publicare pe TED:
Termen pentru primirea ofertelor:
Construction of Wastewater Treatment Plants and (re)Construction of Wastewater Collection Networks in the Cities of Brus and Blace
The purpose of this contract is the construction of tertiary level Waste Water Treatment Plants for city of Brus and city of Blace each with a capacity of 10,500 PE under the FIDIC 1999 Yellow Book Conditions of Contract (Lot 1). Works are divided in 2 sections. Section 1 covers construction of wastewater treatment plant for city of Brus, and section 2 covers construction of wastewater treatment plant for city of Blace.AndThe construction and reconstruction of sewage and stormwater collectors in the city of Brus and in the city of Blace under the FIDIC 1999 Red Book Conditions of Contract (Lot 2). Works is divided into 2 sections.
Licitaţie deschisă
Etape cheie
27/07/2021 00:00
25/10/2021 12:00
25/10/2021 14:00
Numărul lotului Titlu Descriere
Lot 1
Construction of Wastewater Treatment Plants in the Cities of Brus and Blace
The purpose of this contract is the construction of tertiary level Waste Water Treatment Plants for city of Brus and city of Blace each with a capacity of 10,500 PE under the FIDIC 1999 Yellow Book Conditions of Contract (Lot 1). Works are divided in 2 sections. Section 1 covers construction of wastewater treatment plant for city of Brus, and section 2 covers construction of wastewater treatment plant for city of Blace.AndThe construction and reconstruction of sewage and stormwater collectors in the city of Brus and in the city of Blace under the FIDIC 1999 Red Book Conditions of Contract (Lot 2). Works is divided into 2 sections. Section 1 covers construction of approx. 5,0 km of sewage collectors, reconstruction of approx. 6,9 km of sewage collectors and construction of approx. 3,7 km stormwater collectors in the city of Brus, while Section 2 covers construction of approx. 1,0 km of sewage collectors, reconstruction of approx. 3,7 km of sewage collectors and construction of approx. 4,2 km of stormwater collectors in the city of Blace
Lot 2
(Re)Construction of Sewage and Storm Water Networks in the Cities of Brus and Blace
The purpose of this contract is the construction of tertiary level Waste Water Treatment Plants for city of Brus and city of Blace each with a capacity of 10,500 PE under the FIDIC 1999 Yellow Book Conditions of Contract (Lot 1). Works are divided in 2 sections. Section 1 covers construction of wastewater treatment plant for city of Brus, and section 2 covers construction of wastewater treatment plant for city of Blace.
Referinţă Tip de anunț Data publicării
2021/S 143-379158
Anunţ de participare
27/07/2021 00:00