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Supply of of functionalized material binding peptides tested and evaluated for p...
European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Ispra (JRC-IPR)
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Supply of of functionalized material binding peptides tested and evaluated for preferential binding to man-made plastic materials in aqueous solutions.
In the course of its ongoing research activities the JRC is developing methods to controllably modify selected chemical and/or optical properties of man-made polymeric (plastic) surfaces using functionalized molecular species. Polymers being evaluated include Polypropylene (PP), Polyethylene (PE), Polyamide-Nylon (PA), Polystyrene and Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET). The specific method which is under investigation requires the use of functionalized material binding peptides capable of preferential binding to man-made plastic materials in aqueous solutions. The functionalized peptides will be required to exhibit additional properties such as fluorescence or present a reactive chemical functional group such as thiols which may be used to covalently bind ligands which have specific functionalities such as fluorescence. The peptides should exhibit strong preferential binding to hydrophobic surface such as polymers and low binding to hydrophilic inorganic materials such as metal oxides and minerals.
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15/09/2021 00:00
05/10/2021 23:59
06/10/2021 - 14/10/2021
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