Id-Dettalji tas-Sejħa għall-Offerti

Studju dwar il-benefiċji ekonomiċi taż-żoni marittimi protetti.
L-Awtorità li Qiegħda Toħroġ il-Kuntratt:
European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agen...
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Results per page: 10 | 25 | 50 13 Dokumenti found, displaying all Dokumenti.
Il-lott It-titlu It-Tip ta' Dokument Id-Data tal-Pubblikazzjoni
Invitation to tender - English (en)
Stedina 22/12/2015
Tender specifications - English (en)
L-Ispeċifikazzjonijiet Tekniċi 22/12/2015
Annex 1 - Draft service contract - English (en)
Abbozz tal-Kuntratt 22/12/2015
Annex 2 - Letter of submission of tender - English (en)
L-Annessi 22/12/2015
Annex 2.1 - Simplified balance sheet - English (en)
L-Annessi 22/12/2015
Annex 2.2 - Simplified profit and loss account - English (en)
L-Annessi 22/12/2015
Annex 3 - Declaration of honour - English (en)
L-Annessi 22/12/2015
Annex 4 - Technical tender form - English (en)
L-Annessi 22/12/2015
Annex 5 - Price and breakdown of costs - English (en)
Price schedule 22/12/2015
Annex 6 - Model of power of attorney - English (en)
L-Annessi 22/12/2015
Annex 7 - Model of letter of intent for subcontractor - English (en)
L-Annessi 22/12/2015
Annex 8 - Checklist of documents to be submitted - English (en)
L-Annessi 22/12/2015
Annex 9 - List and definitions of Marine Protected Areas - English (en)
L-Annessi 22/12/2015