Call for tenders' details

Services involving general security and external surveillance (field 1), fire sa...
Contracting authority:
European Parliament, DG Security and Safety (SAFE)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
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Results per page: 10 | 25 | 50 16 Documents found, displaying 1 to 10.[First/Prev] 1, 2 [Next/Last]
Lot Title Document type Publication date
Conditions pour soumettre une offre - français (fr)
Other 09/09/2016
Modèle de contrat-cadre et de bon de commande - français (fr)
Draft contract 09/09/2016
Annexes III à VII - français (fr)
Annexes 09/09/2016
Conditions for submitting a tender - English (en)
Other 09/09/2016
Template contract - English (en)
Draft contract 09/09/2016
Annexes III to VII - English (en)
Annexes 09/09/2016
Bordereau des prix - français (fr)
Price schedule 09/09/2016
Price schedule - English (en)
Price schedule 09/09/2016
Cahier des Charges Administratives - français (fr)
Other 09/09/2016
Cahier des Charges Techniques - français (fr)
Technical specifications 09/09/2016