Information om udbud

It is highly recommended to test the e-Submission application in advance (several days before the deadline for submission) in order to familiarise you with the system and to test whether your workstation configuration is working correctly with the e-Submission environment. Please see the e-Submission application testing to be done in advance (point 1.1 in Annex VII). IMPORTANT: In case of any problems with the submission of your electronic tender, please contact the helpdesk in reasonable time.
Levering af tjenester til ECDC i forbindelse med koordinering og tilrettelæggels...
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European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
Dato for offentliggørelse på Ted:
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Results per page: 10 | 25 | 50 6 Dokumenter found, displaying all Dokumenter.
Parti Titel Dokumenttype Offentliggørelsesdato
1. Invitation to tender - English (en)
Indkaldelse 11/05/2017
2. Tender Specifications - English (en)
Tekniske specifikationer 15/05/2017
3. Financial proposal - English (en)
Price schedule 11/05/2017
4. Draft contract - English (en)
Kontraktudkast 11/05/2017
5. Annex IX - English (en)
Andre 11/05/2017
6.Annex II-III-IV-VI-VII-VIII - English (en)
Bilag 11/05/2017