Call for tenders' details

Enhancement of the Operation and maintenance of the Jeb Jannine Waste Water Trea...
Contracting authority:
Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
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Results per page: 10 | 25 | 50 29 Documents found, displaying 1 to 10.[First/Prev] 1, 2, 3 [Next/Last]
Lot Title Document type Publication date
c4a invit en - English (en)
Invitation 02/08/2021
a5f additional information contract notice en - English (en)
Other 02/08/2021
c4b itt en - English (en)
Tender specifications 02/08/2021
c4c contract en - English (en)
Draft contract 02/08/2021
c4e annexigc en - English (en)
Draft contract 02/08/2021
c4d specialconditions en - English (en)
Draft contract 02/08/2021
c4f annexiitechspeciiitechoffer en Lot 2 - English (en)
Technical specifications 02/08/2021
c4g annexivfinoffer en Lot 2 - English (en)
Price schedule 02/08/2021
c4f annexiitechspeciiitechoffer en Lot 1 - English (en)
Technical specifications 02/08/2021
c4g annexivfinoffer en Lot 1 - English (en)
Price schedule 02/08/2021