Call for tenders' details

Cleaning Services for the Premises of the EU-Houses in Madrid and Barcelona, Spa...
Contracting authority:
European Commission, DG Communication (COMM)
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
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Results per page: 10 | 25 | 50 8 Documents found, displaying all Documents.
Lot Title Document type Publication date
Invitation letter to apply - English (en)
Invitation 15/11/2018
Guide for candidates - English (en)
Invitation 15/11/2018
Declaration on honour - English (en)
Invitation 15/11/2018
Request to participate - English (en)
Invitation 15/11/2018
Carta invitando a participar - English (en)
Invitation 15/11/2018
Guia para participar - English (en)
Invitation 15/11/2018
Declaración sobre el honor - English (en)
Invitation 15/11/2018
Solicitud de participación - English (en)
Invitation 15/11/2018