Information om udbud

Please note that the financial proposal has been updated (lot 4) on 7/11. In case of problems with eSubmission (submission of tenders) please contact helpdesk as soon as possible on +32 (0) 229 71063
Bistand til EU/EØS, førtiltrædelsesstater og nabolande vedrørende folkesundhedsb...
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European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
Dato for offentliggørelse på Ted:
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Results per page: 10 | 25 | 50 5 Dokumenter found, displaying all Dokumenter.
Parti Titel Dokumenttype Offentliggørelsesdato
1. Invitation to tender - English (en)
Indkaldelse 13/09/2018
2. Tender Specifications - English (en)
Tekniske specifikationer 13/09/2018
3. Financial Proposal - English (en)
Price schedule 07/11/2018
4. Draft contract - English (en)
Kontraktudkast 13/09/2018
5. Other annexes - links - English (en)
Bilag 03/10/2018