Id-Dettalji tas-Sejħa għall-Offerti

Please note that Section 6.5 of the Annex 4 - Terms of Reference - has been slightly amended. Therefore, the deadline for receipt of tenders has been extended until 10/07/2020. If possible, please send electronic documents scanned with OCR (optical character recognition) on. Thank you!
Provvista u Ġestjoni ta' Servizzi ta' Sigurtà u ta' Integrazzjoni Trasversali ta...
L-Awtorità li Qiegħda Toħroġ il-Kuntratt:
European Investment Fund
Id-data tal-pubblikazzjoni tat-TED:
Limitu ta' żmien għall-wasla tal-offerti:
Uri l-Parametri tal-Iffiltrar
Results per page: 10 | 25 | 50 21 Dokumenti found, displaying all Dokumenti.
Il-lott It-titlu It-Tip ta' Dokument Id-Data tal-Pubblikazzjoni
Annex 1 - Tenderer contact sheet (PDF) - English (en)
L-Annessi 25/05/2020
Annex 1 - Tenderer contact sheet (Excel) - English (en)
L-Annessi 25/05/2020
Annex 2a - Declaration of absence of conflict of interest (PDF) - English (en)
L-Annessi 25/05/2020
Annex 2a - Declaration of absence of conflict of interest (Word) - English (en)
L-Annessi 25/05/2020
Annex 2b - Declaration of honour on exclusion and selection (PDF) - English (en)
Dikjarazzjoni fuq l-unur 25/05/2020
Annex 2b - Declaration of honour on exclusion and selection (Word) - English (en)
Dikjarazzjoni fuq l-unur 25/05/2020
Annex 2c - Non-collusion declaration (PDF) - English (en)
L-Annessi 25/05/2020
Annex 2c - Non-collusion declaration (Word) - English (en)
L-Annessi 25/05/2020
Annex 3 - Deed of undertaking (PDF) - English (en)
L-Annessi 25/05/2020
Annex 3 - Deed of undertaking (Word) - English (en)
L-Annessi 25/05/2020
Annex 5a - Template of the Technical Offer - English (en)
L-Annessi 25/05/2020
Annex 5b - Template of the Financial Offer - English (en)
Price schedule 25/05/2020
Appendix 1 to 5a - Economic and Financial Capacity Overview for Selection (PDF) - English (en)
Ieħor 25/05/2020
Appendix 1 to 5a - Economic and Financial Capacity Overview for Selection (Word) - English (en)
Ieħor 25/05/2020
Appendix 2 to 5a - Technical and Professional Capacity for Selection (PDF) - English (en)
Ieħor 25/05/2020
Appendix 2 to 5a - Technical and Professional Capacity for Selection (Word) - English (en)
Ieħor 25/05/2020
Annex 6 - Framework Agreement_template - English (en)
Abbozz tal-Kuntratt 25/05/2020
Annex 7 - General Terms Conditions_Framework Agreements - English (en)
Abbozz tal-Kuntratt 25/05/2020
Annex 8 - Implementing Contract_Framework Agreement_template - English (en)
Abbozz tal-Kuntratt 25/05/2020
General Administrative and Submission Clauses - English (en)
Stedina 25/05/2020
Annex 4 - Terms of Reference - English (en)
L-Ispeċifikazzjonijiet Tekniċi 04/07/2020