Szczegóły ogłoszenia o przetargu

NOTE: a contract notice corrigendum was published today and it results in the following changes: 1) new participating contracting authority added; 2) new framework contract ceiling (increased from 32.000.000 EUR to 33.500.000 EUR); 3) new tender submission deadline (14 November, 16:00 CET); 4) new opening session date (15 November, 10:00 CET). The relevant tender documents will be updated by the end of the day (04/11/2022).
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Instytucja zamawiająca:
European Commission, DG Communication (COMM)
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Część Tytuł Rodzaj dokumentu Data publikacji
Invitation to tender - COMM-2022-OP-0499 - English (en)
Zaproszenie 26/09/2022
Annex I to ITT - Tender Specifications Part 1 - Admin specs - English (en)
Specyfikacja istotnych warunków zamówienia 04/11/2022
Annex I to ITT - Tender Specifications Part 2 - Tech specs - English (en)
Specyfikacja techniczna 26/09/2022
Annex 6 to Admin specs - Financial Offer Form - English (en)
Price schedule 26/09/2022
Annex 2 to Admin specs - Declaration on Honour - English (en)
Oświadczenie 26/09/2022
Annex II to ITT - Draft Framework Contract - English (en)
Projekt umowy 04/11/2022
Annex 3 to Annex 5 to Admin specs - Editable-format - English (en)
Inny 26/09/2022
Annex 8 to Admin specs - Case Study - English (en)
Inny 26/09/2022
Annex A to Tech specs - EC Audiovisual Catalogue - English (en)
Inny 26/09/2022
Annex B to Tech specs - List of Profiles Technical Staff - English (en)
Inny 26/09/2022