Dettagli del bando di gara

An amended version of the tender specifications will be published with the following changes: 1.The first paragraph of point 2.1 has been almost completely deleted. The published draft service contract had already been updated in line with the changes to the Financial Regulation; 2.The date of entry into force and the expected date of signature have been changed; 3.Erroneous references to articles of the draft service contract have been corrected at pages 12, 13 and 41.
Traduzione di regolamentazioni tecniche in relazione alla direttiva (UE) 2015/15...
Amministrazione aggiudicatrice:
European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (...
Data di pubblicazione nel TED:
Termine per la ricezione delle offerte:
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Results per page: 10 | 25 | 50 79 Domande found, displaying 11 to 20.[First/Prev] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 [Next/Last]
# Domanda Risposta Data dell'ultima pubblicazione Stato
Could you please confirm if the CVs of the managerial staff have to be signed? If yes, is there a special [...]
Yes, the CVs of the managerial staff have to be signed but there is no special formulation to be added [...]
Could you please confirm that freelance translators are considered as Freelancers and not as subcontractors [...]
Please refer to answer to question number 11.
Could you please provide translation memory or at least an analysis of the texts to be translated? I [...]
As explained in Section 1.1 and Section 1.2 of the tender specifications, all texts translated in the [...]
Could your please confirm that the translations should be revised by a second translator who will compare [...]
The tender specifications do not state whether 'translations should be revised by a second translator [...]
Dear Madam or Sir, Do we include original signed CV's from our translators or will scanned versions do [...]
The Commission does not require the CVs to be submitted in original. Scanned copies of the filled and [...]
Dear Sir or Madam, Is it correct that the Q&A section includes only 4 questions? Also, there seems [...]
Only questions that have been answered appear on the website. There are now at least 19 questions/answers [...]
Dear Sir or Madam, There seems to be a misunderstanding about the status of subcontractors VS freelancers [...]
Both natural and legal persons performing the tasks under the contract must be identified and act as [...]
Dear Sir or Madam, I would like to confirm that the address to which the tender must be delivered by [...]
Yes this is correct. Courier means that delivery is done by private courier service and not by a national [...]
Dear Sir or Madam, Our company will tender as a sole contractor, but because of the volume of work, we [...]
Entities having distinct commercial registrations must be considered individually. The association may [...]
Dear Sirs, As stated in Section 5.2.3 of the specifications, the CVs of translators and/or revisers covering [...]
A corrigendum to the tender specifications has been published. According to Point 2.3 of Section 5.2.1 [...]