Údaje o výzve na predloženie ponúk

Due to the phase-out of Java Browser Plugin technology on the most recent internet browsers you might encounter issues while submitting a tender with e-Submission as your local IT environment might not allow you to complete the workflow. The e-Submission team is working to solve permanently the problems. It is of high importance to TEST if e-Submission works in your IT environment and to submit your tender at least ONE DAY BEFORE THE DEADLINE in order to avoid the risk of submitting it late.
Štúdia o technických a bezpečnostných požiadavkách na pozemné vozidlá bez posádk...
European Defence Agency (EDA)
Dátum zverejnenia v TED-e:
Lehota na predkladanie ponúk:
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Results per page: 10 | 25 | 50 One Otázka found.
# Otázka Odpoveď Dátum posledného uverejnenia Stav
Dear Sir/Madam, We would like to clarify the section of Proposed Resource Management Plan in page 36 [...]
The tenderer is to describe the key technologies, i.e. IT tools such as information exchange platforms [...]