Fittex għal Sejħa għall-Offerti

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In-numru ta' referenza tas-sejħa għall-offerti It-titlu L-Awtorità li qiegħda toħroġ il-kuntratt L-istatus Id-Data tal-Bidu Id-Data tal-Għeluq
06A0010/2019/M005 Concessions des espaces bancaires dans l... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 12/06/2019 Ma jgħoddx
06A0010/2019/M006 Concessions d'un mini-market à l'intérie... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 17/09/2019 Ma jgħoddx
06A0010/2019/M069 CONCESSION D’UN MINI-MARKET DANS LE BÂTI... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 28/11/2019 Ma jgħoddx
06A0010/2019/M079 AO 19-079-CONCESSION DES ESPACES BANCAIR... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 05/03/2020 Ma jgħoddx
06A050/2015/M012. Stedina għall-offerti Nru 06A50/2015/M01... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 06/02/2016 Ma jgħoddx
06A20/2014/M070. Spezzjonijiet tax-xogħol strutturali u l... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 02/05/2015 Ma jgħoddx
06A20/2015/M036. 06A20/2015/M036 - Manutenzjoni ta' meded... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 07/11/2015 Ma jgħoddx
06A20/2020/M011 AO 20-011-CONCESSION DES ESPACES BANCAIR... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 25/06/2020 Ma jgħoddx
06A50/2019/M078 AO 19-078-Concession de coiffure dans la... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 17/02/2020 Ma jgħoddx
06A50/2022/M010 Concession des espaces bancaires dans le... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 06/07/2022 Ma jgħoddx
06A50/2023/M031 Concession d’un point de dépôt de nettoy... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 09/06/2023 Ma jgħoddx
06A70/2020/M033 CONCESSION D’ESPACES BANCAIRES DANS LES ... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 11/07/2020 Ma jgħoddx
06B/2015/M028. Tisbiħ tal-uffiċċji tal-Membri tal-Parla... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 05/11/2015 Ma jgħoddx
06B30/2014/M022. Provvisti għall-uffiċċju għal 7 istituzz... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 15/07/2014 Ma jgħoddx
06B30/2015/M063. Xiri ta' għamara u aċċessorji tal-uffiċċ... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 02/07/2016 Ma jgħoddx
06B30/2020/M063 Il-Ksib ta' Materjal Kontra l-Covid European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 23/10/2020 22/07/2024
06B40/2015/M070. 06B40/2015/M070 - Konċessjoni għall-forn... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 26/12/2015 Ma jgħoddx
06B40/2018/M060 Konċessjonijiet għal servizzi ta' fornim... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 12/03/2019 Ma jgħoddx
06B40/2019/M056 Konċessjonijiet ta' servizzi ta' fornime... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 29/01/2020 Ma jgħoddx
06B40/2021/M044 Konċessjoni tal-ispazju “Servizzi u bejg... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 11/10/2021 Ma jgħoddx
06B40/2021/M045 Konċessjoni tal-operazzjoni tal-istend “... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 12/10/2021 Ma jgħoddx
06B40/2021/M046 Konċessjoni tal-operazzjoni tal-istend “... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 12/10/2021 Ma jgħoddx
06B40/2021/M072 Operat taċ-ċentru ta’ taħriġ tad-Dar Jea... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 11/03/2022 Ma jgħoddx
06B40/2022/M075 Servizzi ta’ forniment tal-ikel fid-Dar ... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 13/03/2023 Ma jgħoddx
06B40/2023/M011 Konċessjoni tal-operazzjoni ta’ punt ta’... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 16/05/2023 Ma jgħoddx
06B50/2015/M001. Provvista ta' persunal tal-immaniġġjar f... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 05/03/2015 Ma jgħoddx
06D20/2015/M081. Implimentazzjoni ta' kamra tal-qafas ewl... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 12/03/2016 Ma jgħoddx
2019-HRM-DPS Provision of training services to EIF St... European Investment Fund Miftuħ 01/10/2019 Ma jgħoddx
22ETFCEI01 Sejħa għal Espressjoni ta’ Interess European Training Foundation (ETF) Miftuħ 01/04/2022 21/12/2025
AA-000941-001 Konsulent ta' Appoġġ għall-Immaniġġjar t... European Investment Bank (EIB) Miftuħ 31/01/2020 Ma jgħoddx
AA-010071-001 Qafas ta' Investiment fil-Balkani tal-Pu... European Investment Bank (EIB) Miftuħ 21/01/2020 Ma jgħoddx
AA-010860-001 Appoġġ lejn il-ġestjoni ambjentali u soċ... European Investment Bank (EIB) Miftuħ 03/08/2022 Ma jgħoddx
AA-011076-002 Qafas ta’ Investiment fil-Balkani tal-Pu... European Investment Bank (EIB) Miftuħ 16/11/2022 Ma jgħoddx
AA-011198-002 Appoġġ għas-superviżjoni tax-xogħlijiet ... European Investment Bank (EIB) Miftuħ 05/10/2023 19/04/2024
AA-011416-001 Appoġġ lill-Ministeru tal-Posta, it-Tele... European Investment Bank (EIB) Miftuħ 29/06/2023 24/05/2024
AMI/010/21 Suministro e instalación de señalética y... European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) Miftuħ 30/07/2021 19/04/2025
AO 06A50/2015/M013. Stedina għall-offerti Nru 06A50/2015/M01... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Miftuħ 30/12/2015 Ma jgħoddx
AO/020/23 Xogħlijiet ta’ żvilupp tal-infrastruttur... European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) Miftuħ 21/09/2023 14/09/2024
COJ-PROC-19/010 Servizzi ta' għassiesa u ta' sigurtà kon... Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) Miftuħ 26/07/2019 Ma jgħoddx
COJ-PROC-20/022 Kiri fit-tul ta’ vetturi tas-servizz Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) Miftuħ 12/03/2021 Ma jgħoddx
COJ-PROC-22/033 Operat tas-servizzi ta’ forniment tal-ik... Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) Miftuħ 21/07/2022 Ma jgħoddx
COMM/2021/CEI/0516 Sejħa għal Espressjonijiet ta' Interess European Commission, DG Communication (COMM) Miftuħ 15/10/2021 01/07/2025
CSJU.2021.CEI.01 CSJU.2021.CEI.01 — Individual Experts to... Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (CAJU) Miftuħ 28/04/2021 30/09/2024
DEFIS/2023/CD/0008 Kuntratt ta’ Konċessjoni għall-Impliment... European Commission, DG Defence Industry and Space (DEFIS) Miftuħ 23/03/2023 Ma jgħoddx
EC-CNECT/2024/MVP/0027-ExA Quality of Service performance of roamin... European Commission, DG for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CONNECT) Miftuħ 11/04/2024 25/04/2024
Aġġornat matul dawn l-aħħar 7 ijiem. EC-COMM/BUD/2024/LVP/0231-ExA Fényképek készítése az Európai Bizottság... European Commission, DG Communication (COMM) Miftuħ 12/04/2024 26/04/2024
EC-COMM/NIC/2024/LVP/0197-ExA The provision of translation services fr... European Commission, DG Communication (COMM) Miftuħ 08/04/2024 19/04/2024
EC-COMM/SOF/2024/LVP/0208-ExA Certified medical center for annual medi... European Commission, DG Communication (COMM) Miftuħ 18/03/2024 18/04/2024
Aġġornat matul dawn l-aħħar 7 ijiem. EC-COMM/STO/2024/MVP/0279-ExA Furniture acquisition European Commission, DG Communication (COMM) Miftuħ 09/04/2024 23/04/2024
EC-EMPL/2024/LVP/0011-ExA New measures of wage adequacy European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (EMPL) Miftuħ 11/04/2024 08/05/2024