Fittex għal Sejħa għall-Offerti

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Results per page: 10 | 25 | 50 228 Sejħiet għall-Offerti found, displaying 221 to 228.[First/Prev] 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 [Next/Last]
In-numru ta' referenza tas-sejħa għall-offerti It-titlu L-Awtorità li qiegħda toħroġ il-kuntratt L-istatus Id-Data tal-Bidu Id-Data tal-Għeluq
EASME/COSME/2017/007. Appoġġ għall-iżvilupp ta' ħiliet speċjal... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 19/04/2017 10/07/2017
EISMEA/2022/OP/0007 Appoġġ għad-Diġitalizzazzjoni tal-Ambjen... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 08/07/2022 05/09/2022
EASME/H2020/2018/005 Appoġġ għad-disinn u t-tmexxija ta' prov... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 05/04/2018 14/05/2018
EASME/EASME/COSME/2014/014 Analiżi tal-fatturi li jimbuttaw, tax-xk... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 26/11/2014 14/01/2015
EISMEA/2022/OP/0014 Akkwist Pubbliku Soċjalment Responsabbli European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 10/10/2022 05/12/2022
EASME/2020/OP/0004 Adozzjoni tar-Responsabbiltà Soċjali Kor... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 10/03/2020 15/05/2020
EASME/COSME/2015/002. 'L-iżvilupp ta' dokument ta' gwida u għa... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 04/04/2015 13/05/2015
EASME/EMFF/2017/039 "Mekkaniżmu ta' Għajnuna għall-Pjan ta' ... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 28/02/2018 03/04/2018