Traženje poziva na dostavu ponuda

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Results per page: 10 | 25 | 50 10,597 Pozivi na dostavu ponuda found, displaying 4,041 to 4,050.[First/Prev] 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412 [Next/Last]
Referentni broj ponude Naziv Javni naručitelj Status Datum početka Istek roka
OIB/2021/OP/0069 Nabava električnih uređaja za rukovanje ... European Commission, Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels (OIB) Zatvoreno 21/09/2021 28/10/2021
2021/EJ/13/PO Nabava knjiga za Eurojust EUROJUST Zatvoreno 21/09/2021 25/10/2021
2108/G2/D Pružanje pravnih usluga European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol) Zatvoreno 21/09/2021 21/10/2021
JRC/KRU/2021/RP/1944 Politika JRC-a Karlsruhe za informatičku... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Karlsruhe (JRC-KRU) Zatvoreno 20/09/2021 26/12/2021
JRC/IPR/2021/LVP/2410-ExA Provision of services for safety consult... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Ispra (JRC-IPR) Zatvoreno 19/09/2021 05/10/2021
CDR-2021-DL-36 Analyses par un laboratoire agréé European Committee of the Regions, Directorate for Logistics Zatvoreno 17/09/2021 01/10/2021
NEAR/RBA/2021/EA-RP/0157 Assistance Technique au profit du Consei... Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) Zatvoreno 17/09/2021 20/06/2022
UCA 21/039 Pružanje audiovizualnih usluga i usluga ... Council of the European Union Zatvoreno 17/09/2021 24/11/2021
REFORM/2021/OP/0008 Pružanje usluga kojima se podupire praće... European Commission, DG for Structural Reform Support (REFORM) Zatvoreno 17/09/2021 19/10/2021
JRC/IPR/2021/LVP/2313-ExA Purchase of 2-3 Kepcos model 100-10. European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Ispra (JRC-IPR) Zatvoreno 17/09/2021 10/10/2021