Cerca bando di gara

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Results per page: 10 | 25 | 50 10,597 Bandi di gara found, displaying 241 to 250.[First/Prev] 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 [Next/Last]
Numero di riferimento dell'appalto Titolo Amministrazione aggiudicatrice Stato Data d'inizio Data di chiusura
INTPA/2023/EA-RP/0177-PIN Outreach to and engagement with young pe... European Commission, DG for International Partnerships (INTPA) Aperto 03/10/2023 28/09/2024
INTPA/PRY/2023/EA-RP/0056 EU-SA Dialogue Facility 3.0 Technical As... European Commission, DG for International Partnerships (INTPA) Aperto 12/06/2023 26/09/2024
Aggiornato nelle ultime 24 ore. EEAS/2023/RP/0360 Progettazione, lavori di installazione e... European External Action Service (EEAS) Aperto 06/09/2023 26/09/2024
S2R.20.CEI.01 Invito a manifestare interesse Europe's Rail Joint Undertaking Aperto 01/01/2021 22/09/2024
INTPA/ACC/2023/EA-RP/0171-PIN Support to ERERA in its mission to imple... European Commission, DG for International Partnerships (INTPA) Aperto 25/09/2023 20/09/2024
UCA 23/028 Servizi di interpretazione Council of the European Union Aperto 03/10/2023 20/09/2024
INTPA/PRY/2023/EA-RP/0175 NDICI Cooperation Facility Economics European Commission, DG for International Partnerships (INTPA) Chiuso 20/09/2023 17/09/2024
AO/020/23 Lavori di sviluppo delle infrastrutture:... European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) Chiuso 21/09/2023 14/09/2024
EC-GROW/2024/MVP/0053-ExA Stock-taking study of the co-implementat... European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (GROW) Chiuso 14/06/2024 29/07/2024
06B30/2020/M063 Acquisizione di materiale anti-covid European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Chiuso 23/10/2020 22/07/2024