Søg efter udbudsbekendtgørelse

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Results per page: 10 | 25 | 50 10,597 Udbud found, displaying 4,551 to 4,560.[First/Prev] 449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463 [Next/Last]
Udbudsreference Titel Ordregivende myndighed Status Startdato Slutdato
GROW/2022/OP/0028 Teknisk bistand til gennemførelse af byg... European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (GROW) Lukket 18/10/2022 21/11/2022
GROW/2022/LVP/0030-ExA Preparation of TED public procurement da... European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (GROW) Lukket 21/09/2022 03/10/2022
GROW/2022/MVP/0032-ExA Technical Secretariat for the group of n... European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (GROW) Lukket 11/10/2022 24/10/2022
GROW/2022/MVP/0039-ExA Feasibility study on the establishment o... European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (GROW) Lukket 27/10/2022 10/11/2022
GROW/2022/OP/0042 Udarbejdelse af en adfærdskodeks for onl... European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (GROW) Lukket 19/06/2023 24/07/2023
GROW/2023/OP/0001 Udvikling af regler for en produktkatego... European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (GROW) Lukket 28/04/2023 13/06/2023
GROW/2023/OP/0002 Støtte til bæredygtighed og modstandsdyg... European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (GROW) Lukket 17/05/2023 27/06/2023
GROW/2022/OP/0042-PIN Udarbejdelse af en adfærdskodeks for onl... European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (GROW) Lukket 06/12/2022 19/06/2023
GROW/2023/OP/0001-PIN Udvikling af regler for en produktkatego... European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (GROW) Lukket 06/12/2022 28/04/2023
GROW/2023/OP/0002-PIN Støtte til bæredygtighed og modstandsdyg... European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (GROW) Lukket 06/12/2022 17/05/2023