Traženje poziva na dostavu ponuda

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Results per page: 10 | 25 | 50 10,597 Pozivi na dostavu ponuda found, displaying 6,551 to 6,560.[First/Prev] 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659, 660, 661, 662, 663 [Next/Last]
Referentni broj ponude Naziv Javni naručitelj Status Datum početka Istek roka
OIB.02/PO/2018/029/765 Usluge tehničkog nadzora zgrada European Commission, Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels (OIB) Zatvoreno 14/08/2018 02/10/2018
OIB.02/PO/2018/045/772 sluge prijevoza pošiljaka i publikacija ... European Commission, Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels (OIB) Zatvoreno 13/09/2018 18/10/2018
OIB.02/PO/2018/033/768 Nabava potrošnog materijala za klasični ... European Commission, Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels (OIB) Zatvoreno 10/11/2018 28/01/2019
OIB.02/PO/2018/048/775 Nabava prirodnog plina za zgrade u kojim... European Commission, Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels (OIB) Zatvoreno 22/12/2018 29/01/2019
OIB/2019/OP/0006 Nabava uredskih potrepština, papira i in... European Commission, Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels (OIB) Zatvoreno 30/01/2019 25/03/2019
OIB.02/PO/2018/058/785 Nabava namještaja za prostore za društve... European Commission, Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels (OIB) Zatvoreno 30/01/2019 03/05/2019
OIB.02/PO/2018/047/774 „Nabava i održavanje opreme za grafički ... European Commission, Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels (OIB) Zatvoreno 21/02/2019 06/05/2019
OIB/2019/OP/0008 Najam, postavljanje i održavanje aparata... European Commission, Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels (OIB) Zatvoreno 28/02/2019 08/04/2019
OIB/2019/OP/0018 Najam i održavanje aparata za vodu European Commission, Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels (OIB) Zatvoreno 05/04/2019 03/06/2019
OIB/IPR/2019/OP/0020 Usluga dostave pripremljene hrane za klu... European Commission, Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels (OIB) Zatvoreno 12/04/2019 27/05/2019