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Results per page: 10 | 25 | 50 10,597 Udbud found, displaying 161 to 170.[First/Prev] 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 [Next/Last]
Udbudsreference Titel Ordregivende myndighed Status Startdato Slutdato
10635. AO 10635 »Datacenterfaciliteter« Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Lukket 19/05/2015 01/07/2015
10632. AO 10632 Rådgivning inden for semantisk ... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Lukket 04/08/2015 16/09/2015
10633. AO 10633 Levering af lastbil, varevogn e... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Lukket 28/07/2015 23/09/2015
AO 10638. AO 10638 - Udførelse af it-tjenester i f... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Lukket 09/09/2015 16/12/2015
10573. AO 10573 - Udvikling, vedligeholdelse, v... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Lukket 29/12/2015 24/02/2016
AO 10528. AO 10528 Korrekturlæsning af elektronisk... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Lukket 02/12/2015 20/01/2016
AO 10647. AO 10647 - Udførelse af it-tjenester i f... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Lukket 30/12/2015 17/02/2016
10649. AO 10649 »Udførelse af konsulentvirksomh... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Lukket 19/04/2016 01/06/2016
10637. AO 10637 Udførelse af it-tjenester i for... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Lukket 10/09/2016 10/11/2016
AO 10640. AO 10640 »Oprettelse af e-bøger i EPUB e... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Lukket 17/02/2016 30/03/2016