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Referenčna številka razpisa Naslov Naročnik Status Datum začetka Datum zaključka
FL/TM23-EL FL/TM23-EL Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CDT) Zaprto 26/05/2023 03/07/2023
FL/TM23-EN FL/TM23-EN Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CDT) Zaprto 26/05/2023 03/07/2023
FL/TM23-ES FL/TM23-ES Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CDT) Zaprto 26/05/2023 03/07/2023
FL/TM23-ET FL/TM23-ET Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CDT) Zaprto 26/05/2023 03/07/2023
FL/TM23-FI FL/TM23-FI Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CDT) Zaprto 26/05/2023 03/07/2023
FL/TM23-FR FL/TM23-FR Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CDT) Zaprto 26/05/2023 03/07/2023
FL/TM23-HR FL/TM23-HR Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CDT) Zaprto 26/05/2023 03/07/2023
FL/TM23-HU FL/TM23-HU Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CDT) Zaprto 26/05/2023 03/07/2023
FL/TM23-IT FL/TM23-IT Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CDT) Zaprto 26/05/2023 03/07/2023
FL/TM23-LT FL/TM23-LT Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CDT) Zaprto 26/05/2023 03/07/2023
FL/TM23-LV FL/TM23-LV Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CDT) Zaprto 26/05/2023 03/07/2023
FL/TM23-MT FL/TM23-MT Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CDT) Zaprto 26/05/2023 03/07/2023
FL/TM23-NL FL/TM23-NL Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CDT) Zaprto 26/05/2023 03/07/2023
FL/TM23-PL FL/TM23-PL Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CDT) Zaprto 26/05/2023 03/07/2023
FL/TM23-PT FL/TM23-PT Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CDT) Zaprto 26/05/2023 03/07/2023
FL/TM23-RO FL/TM23-RO Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CDT) Zaprto 26/05/2023 03/07/2023
FL/TM23-SK FL/TM23-SK Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CDT) Zaprto 26/05/2023 03/07/2023
FL/TM23-SL FL/TM23-SL Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CDT) Zaprto 26/05/2023 03/07/2023
FL/TM23-SV FL/TM23-SV Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CDT) Zaprto 26/05/2023 03/07/2023
FL/SCIENT23 FL/SCIENT23 Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CDT) Zaprto 14/08/2023 14/09/2023
ELA/2021/OP/02 Okvirno naročilo v zvezi s centrom za kr... The European Labour Authority Zaprto 09/08/2021 13/09/2021
ELA/2021/OP/01 Zagotavljanje pravnih storitev Evropskem... The European Labour Authority Zaprto 06/08/2021 20/09/2021
ELA/2021/OP/04 Zagotavljanje začasnega osebja Evropskem... The European Labour Authority Zaprto 19/08/2021 24/09/2021
ELA/2021/OP/05 Dejavnosti izobraževanja in usposabljanj... The European Labour Authority Zaprto 27/08/2021 28/09/2021
ELA/2022/OP/0002 Analitična in tehnična podpora za čezmej... The European Labour Authority Zaprto 11/04/2022 23/05/2022