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Upphandlingens referensnummer Rubrik Upphandlande myndighet Status Startdatum Stängningsdatum
CLIMA/2022/LVP/0009-ExA Support for aerodynamic modelling of hea... European Commission, DG for Climate Action (CLIMA) Stängd 13/05/2022 30/05/2022
CLIMA/2022/LVP/0002-ExA Support for developing the type approval... European Commission, DG for Climate Action (CLIMA) Stängd 02/03/2022 16/03/2022
CLIMA/2022/LVP/0001-ExA Audit of the annual accounts of the Inno... European Commission, DG for Climate Action (CLIMA) Stängd 02/03/2022 16/03/2022
CLIMA/2022/EA-RP/0008 Supporting the impact assessment on the ... European Commission, DG for Climate Action (CLIMA) Annullerad efter publicering 16/05/2022 Ingen text
CLIMA/2022/EA-RP/0007 Enhanced sharing of good practices on gr... European Commission, DG for Climate Action (CLIMA) Stängd 10/05/2022 03/10/2022
CLIMA/2021/OP/0006 Stöd till bedömning av medlemsstaternas ... European Commission, DG for Climate Action (CLIMA) Stängd 27/12/2021 14/03/2022
CLIMA/2021/OP/0005 Utveckling och underhåll av informations... European Commission, DG for Climate Action (CLIMA) Stängd 25/11/2021 13/01/2022
CLIMA/2021/OP/0004 Utvidgning av VECTO till att omfatta elf... European Commission, DG for Climate Action (CLIMA) Stängd 23/09/2021 26/10/2021
CLIMA/2021/OP/0003 Stöd till Europeiska kommissionen och me... European Commission, DG for Climate Action (CLIMA) Stängd 09/09/2021 12/10/2021
CLIMA/2021/OP/0002 Utarbetande av EU:s åttonde nationella m... European Commission, DG for Climate Action (CLIMA) Stängd 05/08/2021 17/09/2021