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ECDC/2024/LVP/0006-ExA NP/2024/PHF/240001/26855 - External eval... European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) Lezárt 31/01/2024 29/02/2024
EC-JRC/GEE/2024/LVP/0282-ExA Upgrades on vacuum systems European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Geel (JRC-GEE) Lezárt 31/01/2024 15/02/2024
EUROFOUND/2024/LVP/0002-ExA Interpretation services for Eurofound’s ... European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) Lezárt 30/01/2024 18/02/2024
EC-COMM/PRG/2024/MVP/0003-ExA Soft-seating furniture for new premises European Commission, DG Communication (COMM) Lezárt 26/01/2024 01/02/2024
EC-MOVE/2024/LVP/0006-ExA Expert assistance to DG MOVE with refere... European Commission, DG Mobility and Transport (MOVE) Lezárt 24/01/2024 07/02/2024
EC-COMM/BTS/2024/LVP/0023-ExA Providing of medical examination (annual... European Commission, DG Communication (COMM) Lezárt 23/01/2024 08/02/2024
ETF/2024/MVP/0002-ExA Provision of eco-friendly office furnitu... European Training Foundation (ETF) Lezárt 23/01/2024 06/02/2024
EUROFOUND/2024/LVP/0001-ExA Case studies on the European Child Guara... European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) Lezárt 22/01/2024 05/02/2024
LINC/2024/AWD/CCU/ECR HELSINKI 03/24 VEN Venue for ECR Group - Bureau meeting fro... European Parliament, DG for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences (LINC) Lezárt 22/01/2024 30/01/2024
EC-COMM/MAD/2024/MVP/0038-ExA Prestación de servicios de agencia de vi... European Commission, DG Communication (COMM) Lezárt 22/01/2024 06/02/2024