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ESTAT/2023/MVP/0035-ExA Organisation of the 2024 EFGS conference European Commission, DG EUROSTAT Lezárt 15/11/2023 29/11/2023
COMM/VIE/2023/LVP/0946-ExA Erwerb von audiovisueller Ausrüstung ein... European Commission, DG Communication (COMM) Lezárt 15/11/2023 23/11/2023
COMM/PAR/2023/MVP/0902-ExA Service de conception de videos réseaux ... European Commission, DG Communication (COMM) Lezárt 14/11/2023 29/11/2023
COMM/RIX/2023/MVP/0932-ExA Organisation of information and educatio... European Commission, DG Communication (COMM) Lezárt 13/11/2023 27/11/2023
ESTAT/2023/MVP/0030-ExA Assistance to Georgia, Moldova and Ukrai... European Commission, DG EUROSTAT Lezárt 10/11/2023 30/11/2023
JRC/2023/LVP/2977-ExA Water Resilience Experiment: Co-design w... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Brussels (JRC-BRU) Lezárt 10/11/2023 24/11/2023
COMM/VIE/2023/LVP/0831-ExA Provision of Mobile Telephone and Data S... European Commission, DG Communication (COMM) Lezárt 08/11/2023 13/11/2023
JRC/IPR/2023/LVP/1137-ExA Miglioramento acustico sale riunioni European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Ispra (JRC-IPR) Lezárt 07/11/2023 21/11/2023
EFCA/2023/LVP/0016-ExA Satellite communication services for EFC... European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) Lezárt 07/11/2023 21/11/2023
COMM/VIE/2023/LVP/0742-ExA Glass fibre internet connection for stre... European Commission, DG Communication (COMM) Lezárt 06/11/2023 14/11/2023