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Konkurso nuorodos numeris Antraštė Perkančioji organizacija Būsena Pradžios data Pabaigos data
EC-JRC/IPR/2024/LVP/0569-ExA SERVIZIO DI MANUTENZIONE e FORNITURA DI ... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Ispra (JRC-IPR) Užbaigta 27/02/2024 15/03/2024
EC-OIB/2024/MVP/0018-ExA Fourniture de linge de maison dans les s... European Commission, Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels (OIB) Užbaigta 26/02/2024 11/03/2024
EC-HR/2024/LVP/0086-ExA Tests psychométriques European Commission, DG Human Resources and Security (HR) Užbaigta 23/02/2024 27/02/2024
EUROFOUND/2024/LVP/0006-ExA Trends in wealth inequality, wealth accu... European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) Užbaigta 23/02/2024 12/03/2024
EC-COMM/VNO/2024/MVP/0141-ExA Viešųjų ryšių ir socialinių tinklų komun... European Commission, DG Communication (COMM) Užbaigta 23/02/2024 12/03/2024
EC-EMPL/2024/MVP/0008-ExA Analytical study supporting the assessme... European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (EMPL) Užbaigta 22/02/2024 08/03/2024
EC-OIL/2024/MVP/0001-ExA Assurance couvrant les enfants fréquenta... European Commission, Office for Infrastructure and LogisticsinLuxembourg (OIL) Užbaigta 22/02/2024 13/03/2024
ACER/2024/MVP/0002-ExA Provision of data visualisation services... Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) Užbaigta 21/02/2024 06/03/2024
EC-JRC/KRU/2024/LVP/0490-ExA Wing M-Statische Bewertung Kernbohrungen European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Karlsruhe (JRC-KRU) Užbaigta 21/02/2024 07/03/2024
CDR/2024/MVP/0002-ExA Formation de base et recyclage annuel de... European Committee of the Regions Užbaigta 20/02/2024 05/03/2024